Member-only story
All work and no play…
© Florian Radarte
“all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”
also goes along with
“a change is as good as a rest”
I wrote some time ago in “Stop the “Busyness””:
“Put simply, for leaders, less is more. Simple, yes? But how many of you just skipped over this and then skipped to thinking: “I get that, but I have so much to do, I’m so BUSY !””
Make time to do things outside of your busy work life, it will pay dividends across all areas of life.
I sit writing this early afternoon on a Sunday, as often up against a deadline of meeting my commitment to post daily, as this will go out Monday 8am.
Today a reflection on making time for not only play but commitments outside work, after a fourteen hour day yesterday of work of a different kind.
So, this Saturday I did indeed do something different. Not “play”, but work that inspires me. Not a rest, as I left my flat at 7am and didn’t get back until about 9pm, so fourteen hours of work that exhausted me. I sit writing this around 1pm on a Sunday and didn’t get going until about 11am this morning…