Struggling on a Snow Day

Tom McCallum
2 min readFeb 9, 2021

Yesterday I scraped ice and snow off a car for the first time in many years (which amused me as someone used to Cayman winters!) and the weather forecast is for wind and freezing conditions for several days.

This was a week where I had planned a light client schedule as I had work planned inside the house, including electrical work meaning power would be cut. Instead, all that work in and outside the house has been pushed back a week, so I find myself unexpectedly less than fully occupied to start the work week.

Observing myself, I always find it a little difficult to be quiet on a weekday. “Nice problem to have”, I can hear many of you say. Yes, agreed, it is an unusually privileged position, yet I find it a struggle when this happens, I am so used to being occupied with meetings, calls and more. Lots of reasons for this, taking a little time to consider this and what is going on for me when I feel a struggle when I could otherwise feel a sense of relaxation and space. Hmm.

Anyway, my point is less to share that I am having a “snow day struggle”, but instead to talk about what happens when we share when we are struggling.

First, when we share, we both understand ourselves more as well as allowing others to as well. Second, when we introspect so as to understand ourselves a little better, in a way this creates an opportunity, from that self-awareness, to then turn our focus more in service of others by taking time to seek to understand them and what is going on in their world.

I find myself closing with an apology, as this feels like a slightly self-indulgent post. Hmm again.

Originally published at Tom McCallum.



Tom McCallum

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