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Writing I Love: the longest writing. can be one line
At a sea swim in 2014, aged 16, my son Iain.. or, as I called him after this, “The Answer”..
“What is the answer to life, the universe and everything?” “42” ~ Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
I often share on this site under the theme “Writing I Love”. Writing and language can have the power to transport us, as well as to connect us. Sometimes all it takes is one line.
I love the writing of @nayyirahwaheed on Twitter.
Somehow this particular tweet spoke to me, and has me ruminating on single lines that resonate.
On that theme: “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
So, today a selection of single lines today, from thinkers, from movies, from favourite books :
“Me. We” ~ Mohammed Ali, composing the shortest poem in the world:
“This too, shall pass” ~ from the fable of King Solomon